New NYCDEP Asbestos Regulations Effective February 3, 2011
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (“NYCDEP”) has issued new asbestos regulations, which became effective February 3, 2011.
Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act Takes Effect on September 29, 2010
On August 31, 2010, Governor David Paterson signed into law the Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act, which is intended to address sprawl by requiring certain state agencies to approve, undertake and fund infrastructure projects in a manner that is consistent with smart growth principles. The new legislation will affect a variety of projects throughout…
EPA Proposes Changes to Its Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Governing Disturbances of Lead-Based Paint
In April 2008, EPA promulgated regulations governing renovations in target housing (i.e., any housing constructed prior to 1978) and child-occupied facilities. The rule requires contractors to become certified by EPA, to notify owners and occupants before commencing renovations that disturb lead-based paint, and to follow certain safe work practices in conducting such work. The certification…