Author: dotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdot

  • China must boost its global science impact, study finds

    [BEIJING] China’s international science influence is still weak, even though its investment in science has rapidly increased in recent years, a report has found.

  • Heinz Redesigns Ketchup Package. Landfills Groan.

    In case you’ve been under a rock, the big news on the street is the incredible new Heinz Ketchup Packet which will apparently revolutionize french fry enjoyment for the 21st century. The packet contains a larger amount of ketchup than the traditional sachet and opens in two ways – the traditional “squeeze” and the newfangled…

  • Cape Wind Controversy Hits New Low, Illustrates Cost of NIMBYism

    I have immense respect for Robert F Kennedy Jr, and have been frequently moved by his outstanding speeches on big-picture environmental topics. I’m not alone, however, in continuing to be surprised and baffled at the Kennedy tradition of steadfastly opposing the Cape Wind turbine project, the first major offshore wind energy project in the US,…