The best Job in the World? Filming in the Jungle, new from BBC Earth
Often the attraction of working in natural history is the thrill of the wild. The untamed, the undomesticated, the possibility of discovering the unknown! However even as a dedicated natural history program maker, there are certain hostile and remote locations where it is essential to have your super-human senses switched on. As a cameraman, crouching…
Incredible rites of passage: Scarred for life, new from BBC Earth
With a dangerous reputation, crocodiles would not be the first animal you would associate with mental and physical strengthening. Surprisingly, the people of Papau New Guinea have a connection between man and beast that marks a boys journey into adulthood. Many traditional celebrations that accompany events like birth, the start of adolescence, marriage, and death…
Small but mighty, new from BBC Earth
Sometimes the smallest of things can have the greatest of impacts. We’ve all woken up to find we’ve no milk in the fridge and got to wondering how we ever did without it! Well, as strange as it may sound the Pacific Herring is a little like that. Commonly referred to as “the silver of…
Fish and Wildlife Service Removes Endangered Species Act Protection From Arizona’s Desert Nesting Bald Eagles
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is acting to remove Endangered Species Act protection from Arizona’s desert nesting bald eagles. Almost two years after U.S. District Court Judge Mary Murguia’s March 5, 2008 rejection of the agency’s last attempt in 2007, a similar decision by Fish and Wildlife has been released for publication in tomorrow’s…