Month: November 2009

  • Population and Consumption

    The air is full of carbon dioxide and other pollutants; The ocean is emptying; We have observed record setting harvests over the last few years, and yet chronic hunger persists and has recently been increasing; The planet is experiencing the 6th great extinction; All of these are the result of human activity. This evidence illustrates…

  • Population and Consumption

    The air is full of carbon dioxide and other pollutants; The ocean is emptying; We have observed record setting harvests over the last few years, and yet chronic hunger persists and has recently been increasing; The planet is experiencing the 6th great extinction; All of these are the result of human activity. This evidence illustrates…

  • Sanitation: Access and Health

    Human waste may be a topic that people generally do not or prefer not to think about. However, its capture and disposal (often referred to in terms of sanitation) play a vital role in human health and development. The importance of sanitation as a basic human need has made it an international development priority and…

  • Sanitation: Access and Health

    Human waste may be a topic that people generally do not or prefer not to think about. However, its capture and disposal (often referred to in terms of sanitation) play a vital role in human health and development. The importance of sanitation as a basic human need has made it an international development priority and…